Tuesday, September 13, 2005

In Madrid

Finally, in Madrid, at a computer. Hi to everyone, I miss you all!

First, getting here was an ordeal, but since then it´s been perfect. Gabe and I are set up in a student house within walking distance of the University. We both have a roommate -- mine comes on Wednesday and I heard she is Mexican. We each have a balcony, a fridge, a kitchenette with sink and stove, a microwave, writing desk and big wardrobe. The rooms are three times as big as US dorm rooms. There´s also a live-in maid and cook, which is bizarre. Spaniards are used to people doing things for them all the time, but it makes me feel guilty.

The University is the most expensive private school in Spain. I´ve never seen anything like it in my life. It was built 13 years ago, so the architecture is super modern, with man-made lakes and waterfalls, and sliding glass doors that I´ve run into about eight times. There´s a giant sports facility with everything imaginable, which I could care less about, but it looks nice. Everything is absolutely spanking new, lots of shiny gadgets everywhere, and all the students are rich and trendy.

Because Gabe and I are the ¨embassadors¨ for this program, they´re over-accomodating us (in a good way). They escort us everywhere, take us on outings into the city and to places around Madrid, pay for meals, etc. The food here is still horrible. I haven´t seen a vegetable yet other than a tomato, unless white asparagus with mayonaise counts. I am going to go crazy shopping in the city, and I´ll probably live in the modern art musuem. My Spanish is fine and I´m in love with the accent here. It´s so fun to lisp on purpose. It´s wonderful to have an abroad experience where you already are familiar with the city. Madrid is my city, I know it backwards and forwards already and now I can do some more adventurous exploring. The lifestyle is so perfect here, hard work all day but about a thousand breaks for coffee and tapas. A 10 pm dinner doesn´t bother me so much anymore.

Yesterday I bought a mobile phone so you all can call me, although if you´re reading this on Tuesday don´t try to call because I haven´t figured out how to work it yet. The number is (011 34) 610 770214. It´s free for me to receive calls, and cheap to make them too. Also, the email I use most is mereveto@hotmail.com.

I love you all!


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