Saturday, December 17, 2005

En Fin

It´s Saturday, I leave Spain early tomorrow morning, and I still haven´t packed my bags yet. Not even a sock. It´s slow going today. It´s sad, because I love Spain to death and especially in the last month I´ve been enjoying myself so much. And the house is such a clan now, an experience that´s much like the Real World without cameras. Last night the owners of the house (also the people that feed us and clean up after us) invited us to an incredible dinner in Villa, consisting of about 20 courses and lots of sangría. We left at around 3 a.m. and went out dancing and most of us made it home by around 8 this morning. I think we´re having another sort of despedida tonight at the house.

I´m looking forward to being home but I have a feeling Greensboro will always be jealous of Madrid after it knows where I´ve been and what I´ve seen. But mmmm! Campbell´s tomato soup awaits me, and a piano, and driving myself places. Exciting places, like the Teeter and SECU and Tate Street Coffee House. I have mixed emotions -- I´m already trying to figure out how I can get myself back here.

En fin, goodbye Madrid, I love you and I´ll miss you.


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