Thursday, November 17, 2005

Short Update

Mom´s been here for the last two weeks and left Tuesday morning, which is why I haven´t written anything lately. We were mostly in Madrid, took some small trips to Toledo and Segovia, and saw lots of amazing jazz (Madrid Jazz Festival is going on). She took notes of everything we did and has digital pictures, so she said she´ll write the next entry. Just wanted to let y´all know I´m still alive and well.

It´s freezing here, classes are all right (I have to start using a camara in photography now...scary), and I´ve been hanging out a lot with the kids in my house. I currently have less than a euro in my pocket until my stupid bank sends me the money they suddenly froze in my account a few weeks ago because there´s been too much fraud going on lately in Spain. Looking forward to going to France in a few weeks. Love you all.


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